Sunday, October 21, 2012

Meeting Her

I have felt so much gratitude and love as I think back to what was happening for us this time last year. It was October 14th when we got the call that we had been chosen by a birthmother to be parents.  One week later, on October 21, 2011,  we had the amazing opportunity to meet her in person. 

All day today I have just been remembering that day, that experience, the moment I saw her for the first time and just the feeling that was with us as we got to know each other better.   It was during this meeting that we had the special experience of finding out that the name that Ben had wanted for this baby, Kekoa, was the name she had written down for his middle name.  I cannot explain to you the strength of the spirit in that moment, but we all just knew this was right.  That was the first of many of those types of experiences.  It was so fun to just sit at the park, eating subway and talking about her and her life, her interests, her hopes and dreams and also our plans for the future. 

I hope those memories never fade.  I want to share with Benson each part of his story, including the special day we met his birth mother. (I also realized today that technically it was the first time we were in the same place with Benson.  He was in her tummy, but he was there.)  One year ago today was definitely a special day for us and one we want to remember.

Benson's birthmom is someone we have so much love and respect for and we hold her in very high esteem.  Throughout the process of meeting her and over spending time with her she was so grown up and mature beyond her years.  She was always the one reassuring us and comforting us. She is an amazing person and we love her not only for the obvious reason, but because of the person she is.  We are so glad we got to meet her and get to know her while she was pregnant with Benson, a lot of adoptive parents don't get that chance.  She let us be part of the process with her and we loved every second.  We are so grateful that he is already like her, so sweet and calm and just a happy person.  We are so glad we can share her with him.  We love her very much!

Ben being Ben:)


The Staheli's said...
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The Staheli's said...

I totally cried reading through this. We are so blessed to have Benson in our family and I hope his birth mom will someday know and understand how loved she people who have never even met her. We love her, we love you, and we love that beautiful little boy. ♥