Thursday, January 10, 2008

another-nother update

No seriously, they hurt. I'll be sitting and they'll start hurting. I'm also finding that in the mornings, my right shoulder, hurts... Oh and yeah, Carmen went to the doctors and they gave her some medicine... No biggy. Something thats really odd, the past couple of days I've choked on some wicked water, like I'll be drinking water and like, out of nowhere, I'll start choking, it really hurts my throat. Oh I forgot a couple of days ago, Carmen's stomach hurt...


The Staheli's said...

Carmen on vicoden?? OR...Ben being himself? Haha!

Jennica said...

Ben--you poor thing! We will make sure to say some prayers for you, too! (It's a good thing for you guys that this was said in blog world so that when I get struck by lightening, you won't be hurt by it!)